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- global summit


CNA Knowledge Bank

How music transforms the lives of young people

In Harmony Liverpool 10th Birthday Celebrations © Mark McNulty

In Harmony is a national programme that aims to inspire and transform the lives of children in deprived communities, using the power and disciplines of ensemble music-making.

A range of independent evaluations of In Harmony have been carried out and one national evaluation (2013-2016). These have found evidence of the positive impact on the personal, social and musical development of participating young people.

Key findings

  • Increased development of skills including pupil’s confidence, resilience, teamwork, patience, listening, concentration, perseverance and self-motivated learning.
  • Ability to improve overall educational performance in pupils.
  • Pupils’ wellbeing, confidence and enjoyment of education improved.
  • Increased young people’s sense of ownership of, and belonging within, cultural venues and public space alongside a place within society as a whole.
  • Increased young people’s and their family’s cultural capital, resilience and aspirations for their future training and careers.

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