The primary foundation for education in the arts is children’s development of creative mental habits: observation, imagination, perseverance, to experiment and be able to express themselves. It is about the ability to communicate their ideas and cooperate with others, and about finding themselves and their abilities.
There is research-based evidence to conclude the following:
- It is crucially important for children’s development and learning that the arts are taught at a high level by qualified teachers. In this, the arts subjects do not differ from other subjects.
- Artistic activities train other ways of thinking than in the scientific subjects: creativity, critical thinking, communication and cooperation.
- Schools in areas with many social challenges among the students have, via education in the arts, achieved success with increased attendance and improved social behaviour as well as better test results in reading and mathematics.
Read more:
CAPE – An Investigation of Arts and Learning
Interview med hjerneforsker Kjeld Fredens om kunst, kreativitet og læring (in Danish)
The Value of Arts and Culture to People and Society