A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated at the international

Children need arts
- global summit


Resources from the Summit

Niels Ulrik Sørensen

Well-being and tendencies in the lives of children and young people

Niels Ulrik Sørensen, DK, Professor at the Department of Culture and Learning, and Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Center for Youth Research, Aalborg University

Holly Bass

Learning, Arts, Belonging (LAB): A laboratory approach to arts education in schools

Holly Bass, USA, National Director, Turnaround Arts, Washington

Ron Davis Alvarez

Musical practice as part of the development for children and adolescents

Ron Davis Alvarez, VEN, founder & conductor, Dream Orchestra, Sweden

Gert Biesta

The right to arts education – incl. Q&A

Gert Biesta, NL, Professor of Public Education at the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy, Maynooth University, Ireland, and Professor of Educational Theory and Pedagogy at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Ståle Stenslie

Arts for Young Audiences

Ståle Stenslie, NO, Department director at the Norwegian National Agency for arts and culture for all children, Norway

Alle Kan Synge

Alle Kan Synge

Children’s choir on the stage led by Signe Sørensen, DK, and presentation by Lars Ole Bonde, DK, Emeritus Professor, Center for Research in Music and Health, the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo

Pamela Burnard

Future-making with Children: Why Arts matter

Pamela Burnard, UK, PhD, Professor of Arts, Creativities and Educations, University of Cambridge, England

Aleksi Valta

School – Finland’s largest Cultural Centre

Aleksi Valta, FI, Executive Director, Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers, Finland

Kjeld Fredens

An enactive approach to habits

Kjeld Fredens, DK, brain researcher, physician and author

Kristin Valsdóttir

“It takes a village to raise a child”

The value of collaboration when working with children and the arts – incl. Q&A
Elfa Lilja Gísladóttir, IS, Head of Arts for all, Ministry of Culture and Business
Harpa Rut Hilmarsdóttir, IS, Project manager of children’s culture in Reykjavik
Kristin Valsdóttir, IS, Head of Department of Arts Education at the Iceland University of the Arts 

Ólavur Olsen

The Faroese music school model

Ólavur Olsen, FO, Vice Principal, The Faroe Music School, Tórshavn

Sonja Eliassen

Creative processes through meetings with art and culture – for all children

Thure Dan Petersen, DK, Head of culture, leisure and tourism in Lejre Municipality
Sonja Eliassen, DK, Project manager for Kumult

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