A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated at the international

Children need arts
- global summit


CNA Knowledge Bank

Arts & Health

An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice

Arts & Health provides a pioneering international forum for the publication of research, policy and best practice within the interdisciplinary field of arts and health. 

This fast-emerging field has developed in response to international interest regarding the multifarious ways in which the arts contribute to health, wellbeing, social inclusion and healthcare practice across a range of settings. 

The field has become an inter- and multi-disciplinary arena for those concerned with research, policy and practice initiatives, including artists, health care professionals, community workers, and researchers in the public, private and voluntary sectors. 

Arts & Health takes a broad-based approach in examining uses of the arts in public health, health promotion and health care. The journal publishes empirical research, policy analysis, theoretical discourse, systematic reviews and examples of best practice in the following areas:

  • Social and medical science research relevant to arts and health
  • Public policy on the role of arts in health
  • Community and public health practice through the arts
  • Health promotion and illness prevention through arts-based interventions
  • Health education supported by the arts
  • Aesthetics and design of healthcare settings and environments
  • The arts in clinical practice (including both physical and mental health)
  • Arts-based research methodologies

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