Why shouldn’t your local school be a museum?
Moving classes into an artistic setting is good for pupils, teachers and the institutions. It could also safeguard our cultural heritage. One of the most
Moving classes into an artistic setting is good for pupils, teachers and the institutions. It could also safeguard our cultural heritage. One of the most
Arts Council Annual Lecture 1996. I believe that we are all innately responsive to the arts, but that our natural response is rarely nurtured, and
Step by step: arts policy and young people takes a historical stance on the development of government policy in the UK designed to increase arts
Some of the lessons from this retrospective focus are: That historical precedents should be analysed and insights incorporated into the policy development process. That restructuring
Children Need Arts
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DK 1270 Copenhagen C
+45 2835 9656
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Credits: Barndrømmen – Photo credits.